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Events Of The Year

** 14 September : Hindi Divas **

Fourteenth September, every year, it is celebrated as Hindi Divas. Fourteenth September is not only celebrated as Hindi divas but on this day every year all languages of India are said to be liberated from the clutches of Western influences. The institute also celebrates Hindi divas on 14th September in the form of ‘Rally’. Acharya Raghunath Bhatt commenced the tradition of ‘Rally’ on this day. Rally starts from the college and end at Gujarat Vidyapeeth, a world-class institute founded by Gandhiji. In the auditorium, all members of the rally sit there, pray there and the invited dignitaries deliver their respective speeches to show the significance of Hindi in the modern time.”


** Annual Function **

College organises Annual Function in the campus every year. On this day, students are motivated by the speech of the chief guest. They are awarded prizes, certificates, medals, trophies. The students in group perform cultural programmes. they normally sing songs and bhajans, perform dances and mimicry etc.


** Teacher’s Day **

College celebrates ‘Teacher’s Day’ every year in commemoration of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan. On this day, traditionally the students become teachers and they teach their own classmates on the day. College teachers select best three student-teachers of the day and they are felicitated with gifts, prizes and certificates. Students learn the challanges of a teacher’s profession.


** Cultural Week Celebration **

Apart from teaching, students need to have the training of extra- curricular activities that can take them away for a while from their monotony and bring them back to their study with a fresh breeze and heart. College carries out this maxim literally and organises a whole cultural week to do different activities. The teachers of the committee organises seven activities like Mehndi Competition, Cleanliness Competition, Plantation, Reading Competition etc. the teachers of the committee Prof. Vaishalee Dholakia. Dr. Yogesh Rajgor, Prof. Sudhasingh.


** Celebration of Youth Day **

On the auspicious day of ‘Vivekanand Jayanti’, college celebrate youth day. On this day, the principal of the college explain and interprets the life of Vivekanand in nutshell and inspire them to read Vivekanand’s biography. The teachers of the college organises Eassy Competition and Debate Competition based on Vivekanand’s life.


** Celebration of Independence Day and Republic Day **

It has been a tradition of the college since the inception of the college that it celebrates enthusiastically – Independence Day and 15th August, and Republic Day (26th January.) On these two days all teachers of the college remain present and most of the students join the conglomeration and sing national anthem in group, relish the variety of programmes like patriotic songs and dance, mimicry etc. Students are distributed sweets and tea. Wishing ‘Happy Independence Day’ everyone depart from the college campus.


** World Mother Language Day **

The college celebrated World Mother Language Day. On this day everyone is expected to respect one’s mother language (mother-tongue) to establish it more firmly. To respect one’s mother tongue is one’s first and foremost duty. On this day the teachers of the colleges celebrated ‘World Mother Language Day’ by celebrating and respecting Gujarati language. A programme of poetry recitation and reading of prose-passages in Gujarati was organised and that was followed by the programme of ‘Antakshari’ in Gujarati. On the same day everyone wrote a post card to his or her friend, relative showing or describing the importance of one’s mother tongue.